Doors of Possibilities

The door of possibilities is what I'm playing with,
through all of them, I'm trying to break in.
New experiences lay ahead,
so let's pass these trials, along with a bet.

I want to find a new job,
where I won't have to be a dog.
So I'm opening the door number one,
hoping my first wish it will grand.

I want to find the other half of my heart,
nothing the two of us will ever tear apart.
So I'm opening the door number two,
which will make him happy too.

I decided there are many things I want to learn,
but above everything, for your touch I yearn.
Now I'm opening the door number three,
hoping my other self will be set free.

It's always your favorite sins that do you in,
do you think my heart will once again bleed?
So, I'm in front of the door number four,
where there is something I have to work hard for.

My biggest challenge for this year will be,
to trust who I am, and from the chains to be free.
Here I am, breaking the last door - number five.
upon stars wishing my life will be again mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
With the beggining of new year, there are new wishes, challenges and possibilities. These are my own!

Written for this contest: