One So Young

The tree’s are bright from the sun light,
The leaves dance around in my path,
Animals run about to hide,
A power blessed this place so all would be safe,
But not all was safe,
Monsters from one so young made,
The monsters hated the child, they wanted to destroy that one,
Why didn’t they though?
They seen that one a lot, so why not destroy it?
Did they feel pity, for one so young to have powers that made blood turn away from it?
Yes they felt pity for that one so young,
That one, was cursed and blessed at a young age-even younger then it was now,
The child knew little of what it had done, yet felt their anger and pain,
Everything had changed so fast at a young age, that the child power grew out of control,
It was not the child fault, it was that event fault.
♠ ♠ ♠
Got the idea, when was working on a story.