September 6, 2013 - Look

Pay attention to me.
You used to, not because I stood in front of the tv telling you to listen to me.
I let you in and you drank me up as if I was the last drink on earth.
You drained me, like I was the water in a 200 degree heat wave, left with nothing but dust.
You used to notice my bumps and fumbles before,
And now you won't even glance at me,
Talk to me,
You try to sweeten me up like I'm your morning coffee with sugar,
Pat my back like I'm just your buddy.
Remember when you told me you loved? That night at the creek when the moon and sun were both in sight,
You told me you loved me and you'd never stop.
But you lied right then and there.
You stopped and you promised you wouldn't.
Not only did you throw things at my head,
Yell at me because of my scars I made the other night because I found a number in yours pants pocket,
Told you I called her and she called me a slut, saying that your hers only.
You ignore me as if I'm invisible to you, but pointless oxygen that merely dirt clogging the air.
You used to be my best friend and now you won't even speak to me unless you want to know what I'm making for dinner.
You don't notice me, I'm just a wallpaper you ignore even though it's falling off the wall.
Pay attention to me again, I used to be the girl you only had your eyes on,
And that changed too.