Optimistic Fallen Angel

They broke off her winds, trashing her beauty,
She closed her eyes and prayed that this wasn't reality,
This fallen angel was ever so naive you see,
Her mind sickened, poisoned and brainwashed by delectable dreams,

Yet she reins optimistic with an almost plastic smile,
Although the air around her is sadly real all the while,
She hopes for this to be a dream, a nightmare,
But no, she is the fallen angel who must live in desperate despair,

She must pray because prayers are all that she can truly believe in,
She must forget the man who began her dreaming,
She must hold her head high and smile to those who burn her,
She must pretend, form a life as a liar, as this fallen angel can't afford to care...
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading :D xxxx