Fine Line Between

I'm sick
of feeling useless
of feeling ugly
of feeling fat
I'm sick
of being useless
of being ugly
of being fat
♠ ♠ ♠
So first off, I rated this G because in all honesty, I think that most even young girls can relate to feeling like there is something wrong with them. Sometimes I pick myself apart rather than other people picking my apart, and no matter how hard I try, I cannot stop feeling like I'm useless. I will sit there and pick out all the reasons why I'm not the way I want to be, I'll list reasons why nobody will desire me like I want, and I pray that with time, these things will start to become less and less important. I wasn't gonna post this, but this is how I'm honestly feeling right now, so whatever./ sorry young-ins if this disturbs you. though i'm only 14 as well/