Time Won't Heal This Sorrow

Sweet rapturous oblivion can't save me
From the memories so lovingly imprinted
Remembrances of you won't leave me be
Even after the unforgiving tide has shifted.

Swept away in the ominous current,
I desperately try to claw my way to the surface,
Dreaming of your lips' sweet, blissful torment
Yet only finding shoul-shattering unrest.

Alone, I find myself howling at a tombstone.
Crying, I rake my nails through the fresh soil
Hoping beyond hope to somehow bring you back home,
Trying, in some way, to alleviate this dreaded turmoil.

The stars have lost their luster; the moon shines dull.
Cold, pattering rain plummets; the world mourns your fall.
I loved you with everything, yet you left me with a gaping hole,
One that can't and will never be filled, not at all.