Demonic, naive angels ruin this town,
Whatever you build they'll knock down,
They know nothing better of this neighbourhood,
Which is why they search for such hell and blood,

You've shown them darkness,
Taken away their ignorance, happiness,
Yet you think that they're sinners for causing this?
Admit it, life has never really felt like pure bliss,

Installed within them the words you said,
Whilst they swing axes go watch your head,
They're beautiful and so effortlessly gracious,
But thanks to reality they're now faithless,

They used to hold hopeless homeless in their arms,
Keeping them safe and keeping them calm,
But now, thanks to such violence, they seek insomnia,
They live in a world filled with distressing dystopia,

But they like it now, as the blood tastes pure,
How can this ever be a real cure?
Yet they suck the poison from their wounds,
All of this, thanks to you,

Thanks to you their DNA now reads fear,
Thanks to destructive wars they're ignorant to tears,
You have taken the humanity from their once innocent halos,
Thanks to silence they trick themselves into hearing echoes,

Echoes from the names you called them before,
Echoes from when you told them they'd be dead forevermore,
Echoes from that day when you made them feel afraid,
Echoes from when you said they had poisonous DNA,

They were pure, beautiful and wise,
Now they wear a Satanic and sinister disguise,
Once they were forever wearing smiles each and every day,
Now they are lost, thanks to how you changed their DNA...
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope some get the meaning of this. Being that, jealousy can wreck an angel and turn it into some kind of lost, confused and hopeless demonic creature. We are all beautiful, remember that and the one blamed here is Jealousy by the way. I meant to personify it :P Thanks for reading anyway if you did ! And be sure to recommend poems/stories that either you have written or some other Mibbian has :D :D :D xxx