
Maybe you’re just a masochist
You love to taste the things that you can’t stand about yourself
And so you swallow them on her tongue
Baby, you just destroyed another
Because you’re too weak to destroy yourself

I hope she tastes like everything I didn’t
And you swallow it back with a swig of alcohol
And it tastes bitter in your throat
And you wonder why
It never fills that hole inside of you

And I know you’ll tell her that you love her
And then down another shot of vodka
And the alcohol won’t be the only thing
That burns your mouth.

I think I should’ve understood
By the pause before your ‘I love you’
By the gap between us in the bed as we slept
And the hesitance in your touch

Gosh, my kisses must have been hard to swallow in amongst all the hatred that dribbled down your throat.
♠ ♠ ♠
so you don't even know how hard it was to make this layout o.O
I'm kinda scared about posting this because it was just jumbled thoughts that I was going to turn into lyrics later and I haven't attempted 'poetry' in years but yeah.