The Owl

Time has got me down
My original thoughts of who I am
Where I'm going
What I will be
and where I've been
They sink underneath my feet

Falling into the ground
I don't know which way is up
I battle myself
Feigning control
and then I'm surrounded.

This doubt
This anxiety
It takes my brain like
an owl takes its prey

I want to fit in the boxes I've created for myself
I want to push myself to knowing more
I want to live in a way that sustains my insatiable hunger for-
Hunger for what?

I question myself
I fail to live in the moment
Enjoy what I have
Where I've been
Where am I going?
♠ ♠ ♠
I've never really written poetry before but was inspired by a reading I went to last night... Don't judge too harshly!