Too Soon

It was cold
It was normal
A day that was just like the others

The phone piercing the silence
No thought to what could be said

Sniffling on the other end
A call that should never happened

Shaky fist knocking against a wooden door
Fear for waking someone who had to wake in the morning
It felt so forbidding
It felt so aching

The tears I could hear from my mother
I knew
Something bad had happened

You were gone
Taken away in your sleep

How could this have happened?
How could this be?
You were the life of the party

You were gone too soon
Never to be seen again
Memories the only thing we have

Why did you have to go?
Why did you leave us?
I don't know, but you're gone too soon
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah this is something because my girlfriend wanted me to write poetry