My Colors

The colors,
remind me of my scars.
The colors make me who I am.

Blue for the tears I cry,
and the feelings I show,
The times life seems to hard,
yet I continue to go on.

Red for all the scars left behind,
hidin' underneath the cloth I wear.
Red for the blood that flows from,
my open wounds.

Grey for the depression,
Holding me down with a broken knife.
Grey for the color I see the world.

White for light I wish to see,
at the end of the tunnel.
Calling me home to a world,
I do not know.

Yellow for the everlasting sun,
Yellow for the flowers underneath my feet.

Purple for the royalty that I wish bestowed upon me,
Purple for the curtains that shelter me from the horror.

Green for the grass flowing with the wind.
Green for the color of my eyes.

Brown for the book in my hand,
a comforter and a friend.

Black for the color behind my eyes,
as I sleep another peaceful night.
For when dawn comes,
I must awake.
My world will fade back to grey,
until the night comes to call me home.