
I am called a know it all
I had never held false pretense of knowing everything.
The excitement I show when learning new things, sharing your ideas, and sharing knowledge is not because I make people feel inferior nor is because I enjoy talking.
It is because I'm sharing what I love.
the thought of learning fills with excitement I've never felt anything else.
What I am learning maybe a new fact or something that's already been told over and over again and I hearing it for the first time.
From the human body to random geological wonders, I find everything interesting.
What gives an instrument its beautiful sound to the untold stories of history; everything gives me a sense of wonder and happiness.
You might believe I think I know everything.
But if I knew everything, I would be empty inside because there's nothing more to learn.
A know it all I may be called.
and if this is the only way to describe my love for discovering and sharing knowledge.
So be it.
I am the know it all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello everyone. I must state an apology. I apologize for the poor grammar and or format of this poem. I have never much of a poem writer and this was written and post it from my cell phone. Please forgive me if I have mistaken myself in the format of this poem. Thank you for reading.