My Beginnings

I burn my fingers on cigarettes
Because that’s where it starts
To cling to the young’s curiosity
And the nativity in their hearts
And so it moves like a silent stream
To all my body parts

Say a tiny prayer for me
For I know it all
Like the sun that eyes withered fields
Doomed to rise and fall
And call my name, bring me back again
Before I stand too tall

Is there a shadow to block out the sun
To humble the all-knowing
Is there a scream that can be heard
When the silence is swiftly growing
No one to tell me to look at my life
See the apathy they're showing

They push their hands into the well
That lies upon a knoll
They see the people of the fertile fields
Each strives for a goal
But I am starving in this dying land
They cannot save my soul

I drowned myself in whisky today
Because that was its will
The strings tied round my fingertips
Made me take my fill
And in the depth of drunken dreaming
My spirit grew quite still
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I haven't written much in a while.
I wanted to write a poem to account for the early beginnings of my addictions. One of which I have quit, the former. The latter I still struggle with. But beyond that, I wanted to write about how I view other people who just stood around while I needed them. I hope you all can relate.
Layout by sainted swan.