
Whenever you doubt who I am,
Whenever you think I don't give a damn,
Look into my eyes and you'll see,
The most truthful part of me,

If you doubt my truths,
Mistake them for lies or foolish youth,
Look past my smile as it may be fake,
But trust me, I won't steal or take,

When you see a girl rather than a soul,
Tell me your secrets and I promise no one will know,
Take me in like air, I won't burn,
I won't hurt you, for I've learnt,

You can trust me when I say,
How your smiles takes my demons away,
I'm not a liar, not to you,
Even though my life is untrue,

I lie my way through mistakes,
I wear a smile that's always fake,
But when I smile to you, there is no lie,
Your eyes have me unable to deny,

The beat in my heart when you speak,
The hurt inside when I think myself a freak,
Thinking you may never love me for what's inside,
Which is why I always step back, why I hide,

It should come as no surprise,
That it is that look in your eyes,
That has me trapped every time,
In your world it's quite simply sublime,

When I throw down my defenses know that I'm human,
When others say that I can't, please believe that I can,
Because without your hope in me, I'm already gone,
And it's that sweet look in your eyes that keeps me staying strong...
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading :) xx