Lost Friend With No Need for an End

Depression this sea washed over me leaving a face of stone behind as I continue my everyday motions in this commotion physical here but absent in thought as I think where my friends dead body lays to rot along with his dreams and life devotions, the love of a mother and brother . Broken pieces everywhere in sight just trying to figure out where you strayed from the light and down this hole, you'll never grow old as you were once told but you did this to yourself with your actions that cause your body are action and collapsing life wasted away gone by the end of the day but you'll never escape my thoughts you linger on and on in what's going on in my days you may drift away but I feel as you'll never be truly gone I'm so sorry though in what went wrong I wish I had heard your trouble song
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My friend from high school just recently pasted from an od I'm in college now and so was he, and he started a bad habit that I didn't know of and now everyone is just left with the remains