I Can't Think of Anything

I am to write.
But I can' think of anything.
I have a lot to do.
I just can't think of any reason to do it.
Are we sure what will happen, or will it all just end,
Things are only invite in theory, unless there is an infinite measurement in the universe
But I can' think of anything.
That has been said a lot, Think. The little blue engine thinks he can.
Thinking is nothing more then brain cells transferring a low electrical voltage between eachother
They don't know the true source
They don't know the true end
So what is stopping a brain from living without it's host
Are bodies obsolete
If a brain had the resources needed and the electrical current and voltage needed
What' she point of the rest of the body.
We could go on as machines with brains in them
All our DNA is pointless if our brain can continue
A machine could keep a brain alive
Transfer pain signals
Transfer thoughts
Comunicate from thought
It would be easy
Is there any reason we should't do this
After you put all religous belifs aside and fear of the unknown.
Why can't I make a machine to hold a brain after death
To keep the brain alive
We could use a body still if you wanted
But everything could be simulated
What reason is there to not do this?
I Can' Think of Anything
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my first try at a poem, I don't know if this is a poem, I never understood poetry, comments and personal messages would be very helpful. I will read your stuff if you help me.