
Going through hell
Doesn't even cover
What you endure
Each passing day

Losing your mind
While evil lurks
Within your mind
Cruel and uncaring

Keep on going
No matter what
Life gets better
Friends behind you

You're only human
You'll be okay
Trust in yourself
You can do it

Push through it
Break down walls
Love yourself
Stay strong tonight

Take the world
Into your hands
And breathe slow
You're only human

You break down
You can't sleep
You lose yourself
You are human

Intelligent caring person
Who cares for
His best friends
No matter what

Don't look back
Close the door
Slam it shut
You are free

Evil will lose
Life is beautiful
Hell isn't there
Be a human

Time is going
Darkness spreads across
The world dying
But you're human

Weakness isn't real
Strength buried deep
Within your soul
Keep on going

You're only human
Your will reigns
Stronger than ever
Within your heart

Nothing lasts forever
Evil won't survive
Good will reign
Friends will stay
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't know how good this is, ehehehe.