... I love you

At first , it's love .
Pure and sweet ,
She is a queen in his eyes .
Her throne so soft , so perfect ,
He holds her up with no distaste in his eyes .

But , violence grows ,
To those who don't deserve it ,
She tells him no ,
Just to have hands wrapped tightly around her throat .

She cannot scream ,
She doesn't even try ,
Because the marks on her body ,
She thinks she deserves this .

Hitting the floor ,
Like she does time and time ,
Covering the bruises with foundation again .
" I love this man , I love this man ."

She doesn't see the way he's changed ,
The hate he feels ,
The marks he creates ,
" He loves me " she cries , "he loves me ."

Again and again ,
The more she stays , the more pain he creates ,
" I love her , " he screams " I love her . "

One day she decides enough is enough ,
She can't handle another bruise ,
She was never really in love .
" If he really loved me .. She though , " if he really loved me . "

A figure from her past ,
Brings her into the light ,
His delicate tough ,
His striking blue eyes ,
" I love you , " He says , " I love you . "

He was the one who had been there the most ,
The one who saved her from herself ,
To which she tried to let go ,
" I love him , " She says , " I love you . "