Thank You

There was a bird,
Who has no wings,
She thought it to be absurd,
But they saw everything,

How she shone,
In the moonlight,
How she'd never be gone,
As she'd live on at night,

She'd be a star,
After she dies,
They trusted her heart,
She always denied,

How she gleamed,
Like a diamond star,
To them she seemed,
To be the opposite of dark,

Her eyes alight,
Her hope strong,
They saw her fight,
She saw herself as wrong,

She lost her hope,
They found it for her,
They knew she could cope,
She lived in such deep despair,

Regretting her past,
Mistakes she'd made,
They saw her beauty that'd last,
She saw only herself start to fade,

They gave light,
When she had none,
They had her alive at night,
When all the others were gone,

They never gave in,
They told her again,
How she was always shining,
She fell, but soon she was trained,

Her mind ready,
Their's finally gleeful,
Her feet finally steady,
They'd made her cheerful,

Hope in her veins,
Love in her healed heart,
She loved them for their pain,
How they believed in her star,

Thank you for being there,
For rescuing this little star,
Without you who knows where,
Where she'd be and how far,

She loved life, but lost hope,
Writing was her cure, her nurse,
But it was you who gave her the rope,
When writing became her only curse,

She never believed in love,
Not in the love of others,
She believed stars up above,
Never had fathers or mothers,

She never thought another would love her,
Apart from her dear mother and father,
But others, they fought for her, as they cared,
They protected her from bad weather,

Her parents had brought her up as a sweet girl,
But society had burdened her with the image of perfection,
Her friends and those close brought light back into her world,
They taught her the true meaning of a life of aspiration,

Thank you to her teachers,
As she is now faithful,
Thank you for you wishers,
Who wished for her to be grateful,

Thank you for having faith in her,
The girl with blue eyes and red hair,
She lived in a world of ash and despair,
You showed her that you truthfully care,

Maybe she isn't quite a star,
But now she sure is close,
She has an honest and true heart,
Yet it was always under her nose,

You made her see her light,
And for that, I thank you,
Thank you for wishing her goodnight,
And for that, I love you,

In Winter she no longer shivers,
As her memories keep her warm,
She no longer has to speak in whispers,
For paranoia is lost; she can stay calm,

Snow falls and she prays at last,
Thank you again for saving her,
Before there was such a huge contrast,
Between reality and her dream world,

Now those worlds have bound,
They've formed into one,
Thanks to you being around,
She is never again gone,

Thank you for trusting her,
As she always wished to do well,
She listened to your every word,
For you spoke of wisdom, she could tell,

Thank you and thank you again,
For always staying by her side,
Through hard times and pain,
You let her live, yet sometimes hide,

You knew what was right,
You stayed by your every word,
And for that, she says thank you tonight,
Even thought she's just a bird,

She believed herself to be absurd,
Yet you taught her to see the light,
She is more than a beautiful bird,
She is inspiration that'll shine tonight,

You have lead her to become this,
So strong and effortlessly complete,
All of you, she will surely miss,
For you are why she stands on her feet,

She is no longer afraid of falling,
Only is she afraid of climbing higher,
Yet you have her no longer stalling,
And you continue to have her inspired,

Thank you for having her back,
Thank you for seeing past the absurd,
Now she has you to thank,
For being more than just a silly old bird,

She is a star that is born to shine,
A cloud that can never rain again,
You have given her the skills to be fine,
You have taken away her hurt and pain,

She loves you for saving her,
She needs you for you inspire,
Ever bone inside that has her on fire,
Thanks to you, she now aspires,

To be a teacher and a dreamer,
To be wise and to never not be true,
You have her strong; she's a believer,
And because of that she believes in you,

Thanks for giving hope to the fallen,
For healing her wounds and her broken heart,
Thank you for mending her bones broken,
By fear of herself that tore her apart,

Thank you for giving up your free time,
To look after an angel so foolishly youthful,
Now she is growing up and she'll be fine,
Because now she is being truthful,

Thank you for appreciating her,
Rather than judging her scars,
Thank you for showing how you care,
Instead of breaking her heart,

I love you for helping me,
I may not be a bird,
I may be foolish, but I'm free,
Thank you for not thinking me absurd,

I thank you for having me there,
For listening to me when I needed to say,
How I appreciate how much you care,
And how you all inspire me day to day,

Thank you for being who you are,
Because it is your hearts that I admire,
Your achievements have tattooed my heart,
And you all have me deeply inspired,

Mother, you've suffered so much pain,
Father, I love you even though,
I don't see you much now, but I will again,
Thank you for being here when I feel low,

Jessica, know that I appreciate you so,
For you are my dearest friend,
I will endlessly love you forever more,
I am here by you till the end,

Charlie, you are hurting, but stay strong,
I love you more than the moon in the sky,
Trust me you're right and never wrong,
And don't be afraid to open up and cry,

Marta, I know times are hard,
But remember I am here for you,
Please don't ever discard,
The fact that you are so true,

Emma, I wish I talked to you more,
Because you're honest and you don't see,
How you are so easy to adore,
You really have inspired me,

Stars, I am sorry I let you down,
You were always here to guide me,
When I'm gone you'll bring me back around,
You let my inner dreams soar free,

To all of you, I love you and thank you,
For everything you have all done for me,
You never gave up on me when my heart was blue,
And for that, I know I will always see,

Your faces when I feel hope is lost,
For you all remind me of peace,
Love like this doesn't have a cost,
Remembrance of you is my release,

Thank you for inspiring me endlessly,
For inspiration is what I need,
You have warmed up my heart so blessedly,
And thanks to you, now I am freed...
♠ ♠ ♠
Another poem I wrote on a whim, but I'm in a really poetic mood now :) xxx