Stephen King Says That We're All Mentally Ill

Stephen King says that we’re all mentally ill.

I think he’s right.

We’re all insane,

some of us just know what’s going on.

Those who know are called psychopaths,



multiple personalitied.

They’re not the crazy ones.

The crazy ones are the ones who don’t know anything.

They got about their daily lives,

acting like there’s nothing wrong.

They’re really just hiding the demons inside,

because they aren’t enough strong.

When those demons break through,

you’re told that there’s something going wrong.

What you’re not told is that you’re okay,

you’re just fine,

it’s the people who are outside of the stone cold walls of the asylums

that are demented.

Stephen King says we’re all mentally ill.

He just doesn’t say who’s been diagnosed yet.