Lonely Night Confessions of a Handicapped Kid

Sitting here all alone in my room.
Put away my thumbs wondering what to do.

All the people in my dorm floor.
Have gone out and left me once more.

Do you think they have any recollection of me sitting in my room.
As a shrivel up from loneliness, Like a shroom.

Doesn't it dawn on their egotistical small little minds
Don't we all come from different kinds

Yes I might be in a wheelchair
But I swear.

It doesn't mean I couldn't have fun like you or that silly little girl next to you.

Oh I'm a poor little goody good boy
You don't want to ruin me.
Can't you see
You Already have.

You guys are out tonight having fun.
I guess my day is done.
Since I have no one to talk to
Where are you.
Not with me.
That's what I know.

My just too much responsibility.

Who knows I really don't want to drink.
Why can't you think
I just want might want to be social
But you leave me here behind closed doors.

My anger my loneliness pick up inside.
Good next time you see me it will have subside.

I will never show you how I feel
Unless you read this poem and know that it's me you truly kill inside.

As a fight back tears and punching a wall
I'm just done.
No sort of rhyming could help me feel any better.