Man on the Moon

The bursts of light
Splotches of golden paint
Against the deep night sky canvas

Shining through the breaks
In the skies blanket
Preventing the darkness
From enveloping all that is below

When they die and depart
They live on through the light
Still filling the sky
In glistening diamonds

Their echo's of the light
They once gave
Keeps them alive still in our memory
Still breaking through the endless darkness

We are like stars
Each good person , each good deed
Breaks a hole through the canvas
Built with the threads
Of all that is wrong with the world.
The tiny deed from a person who may never be noticed
Is what keeps the darkness at bay
We all contribute to something so much bigger
And so much beautiful.
And for that we cannot die
We will live on forever
In the memories of those we have loved
And they'll keep our light shining
For we will never be forgotten
Our light is so beautiful
It cannot possibly be forgotten
People may not know our name , or who we where
But when the night skies rise
The stars will guide them with their light
Our stars that are still living on.

And the man on the moon smiles down
As if he knows what I'm thinking
As if he understands

For he has watched over all the stars
And then his smiles wider
As he remembers just how bright
They all shon