Shake It Off

With every cold and every cough,
Don't be afraid to shake if off,
You have no reason to cry or fear,
For when you're down, I'm here,

Shake off every last ounce of regret,
Remember that I will never let you forget,
For you are beautiful and that's what I love,
You have me believing in heavens up above,

With every pain and every burn,
Remember that this ghastly weather won't return,
With every tear and every fear,
Remember that I will be here every single year,

When you feel like you can't breathe,
When fear has you unable to speak,
When you can't bring yourself to believe,
Be the bird who can use her beak,

Shout as loud as you can,
Stand tall and don't fall,
Scream till they understand,
The reasons behind your call,

Shake it off when fire burns you,
Smile when close friends come through,
Let them embrace you, so close,
Be careful when you tiptoe on your toes,

Shards of glass surround you now,
Avoid the dangers of this place somehow,
This glass is the remainder of your glass heart,
Now you have a reason to make a new start,

Shake it off when you can't breathe right,
The nerves creeping up on you tonight,
Let them fall and let yourself stand tall,
When crowds come calling tell them all,

How you ARE strong and beautiful,
How this LIFE really is wonderful,
Give them hope when they fall low,
Give them another punch to throw,

Tell yourself that you can be strong,
Forget the days when you did wrong,
For you are brave, yet you don't believe it,
You need to see this, even if it's just a little bit,

How you are brighter than the sun in the sky,
How you inspire others each day and night,
How you're welcoming presence I can't deny,
For you are anything other than wrong, you're right,

You're right when you give me hope,
When you give me the moon,
For stars won't ever help me cope,
When the day finally reaches noon,

You told me to be strong, well here it is,
This may be a dream, but it sure is bliss,
How can I break out of something so great?
You tell me to shake it off and I tell you to wait,

But now I must live a life of honesty,
A life of endless worries and modesty,
For I am stronger, but strong I'm not,
I feel like I'm not appreciating all I've got,

For I have you and you are my star,
You keep me dreaming when light is far,
But dreams are toxic and you are sweet,
How can toxic and sweet ever meet?

I want you to live instead of dream,
I wish for you to question how it seems,
For this world is better inside,
When you don't have to act or hide,

I want you to be happy without me,
For I will only cause you to bleed,
I do love you, but now I see,
How you can only ever succeed,

On your own without false pretences,
A world where you needn't put up defences,
Shake it off, everything holding you back,
For you have hardly an skills to lack,

I think I love you, but not in the way,
That is usually cast around these days,
If I was still selfish, I'd ask for you to stay,
But now I ask for you to run far away,

For you are better than this,
You are even better than bliss,
For you have wings when you fall,
You're blind yet you still see it all,

How to escape this darkness,
How to reach heavenly happiness,
You are too good to love such a fool,
Shake it off and let your strengths rule,

Breathe in and out and meet my eyes,
Let me tell you that it came as no surprise,
That you are flapping your wings and leaving,
But promise me that you'll keep breathing,

In and out,
Needn't shout,
I'm with you now,
And forever somehow,

Shake it off hun,
You're far from done,
Leave it behind,
And let yourself unwind,

For you are beautiful,
Like a bird,
And you are wonderful,
Never absurd,

Shake it off!
♠ ♠ ♠
:P xx