Your Death Promise Kept

Stare down the barrel of this gun
Twirl it, spin it, lets have some fun
Cock back the hammer and look to the sun
Pull the trigger, click bang, done

It really isnt worth it dont let them fool you
"you'll be missed"? thats a lie too
Quit wasting your time, just be through
Give up, cause they didn't act even when they knew

A quick short note to end a life
Say goodbye and just quit your strife
Dont think twice about it, just say goodnight
Because to the underworld will be your final flight

4 years, feels like more
The voices just a whisper then, now a roar
Bitter feelings and despair down to my core
A twisted nightmare is my life, on an abysmal shore

There's no way to escape it, your final day
So make it tonight, but just dont pray
Pray to lord jesus is what they say
But in reality, he'll ignore you anyway

Dont tell all your loved ones, just buy a rose
Take that final picture, strike a pose
Middle finger in the air for all your foes
Because the bravest way out is what you chose

The end is near, your death promise kept
The mess your life has become, will now be swept
Look in the mirror, red eyes, all your tears wept
And pull the trigger son, your death promise kept.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this a few weeks ago when my ongoing inner struggles got the best of me.. let me know what you think, thanks!