Save It for Somebody Who Cares

Stop being so petty
Your really not all that pretty
Don't act like your loved
You just force hugs
Don't say you love me,
Even if Im your "best friend"
Save it for somebody who cares

Your such a whore
Dirty, dirty whore
Leave me the fuck alone
Get your dumbass home
I don't care if you miss me,
Save it for somebody cares

How is Faith your middle name?
Life to you is just a game.
Gotta Score Gotta Score
Its not soccer, life has gore
I hate how you always talk
Shut the fuck up,
Save it for someone who cares

Its bad to say you were my best friend
Then you and my boyfriend,
decided I was shit,
So all I am gonna say is,
Save it for someone who cares, Bitch.
♠ ♠ ♠
For the scummy bitch Allison Melton :D