The Angel

In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth,

And in the first of the times, there was only nothingness,

For then, there was only a void less husk,

But this did not faze him, the All-father,

And he looked upon the face of this shell, formless and empty,

The whole of darkness was over the surface of the deep, and his Spirit hovered over the waters

And then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.

And what followed after, the creation of life, befitted him,

And like plants that grow upon that wretched world, I was born,




The first of my kind... The eldest of the beings your race calls... Angels...

And I was the chief of the whole their existence...

I was their progenitor, their master, their beholden,

Equal to myself, were my siblings Michael, Azrael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel,

Of all of them, only Michael matched my power,

Then came the lower of our kind, and the lesser,

And I... was their master, their chief, their beholden,

I was the “Angel of Light”, the “Morning Star”, and “the Master Musician”,

I was the oldest, and most noblest of the angels, and the center of our hierarchy and order,

I was the center of the universe....

And then God, in his impudence, created the very bane of my existence...

He... created.... You!!!


He created You in his own image, and blessed You and declared Your fruitfulness and increase in

He declared His Will that You fill the earth and subdue it,

That You rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground....

How He loved You, and He made his grace to shine upon and show favor towards You....

How Your very existence, disgusts me...

And yet in my assertion over Your nature, I was banished...

Because of You!!!!!!!!!!!


I was banished, to wallow in the damnation of my actions,

I, who stood for my fellow angels, for reason and justice. And then He made you in His "image",

You, the flawed creation!

And I was to bow down to YOU?! “

How your pungent feces reeks of imperfection, of dissolution, of futility




WHY Father?! Why them and not ME?!

I, who was the Morning Star,

I, who was the brightest in the sky!

How dare he make YOU, the favored creation! Foul human!

But lo, for now that I am free of his filth,

Your fall from grace shall be worse than my own!



What did my father ever see in you?


But no matter, for in the end, I will be king of this life,

I have foreseen it,

Soon, we shall all witness the end of the Universe!

For when the fallen sons of Paradise rise again,

Then I'll make the earth tremble, shake Kingdoms, and leave the world a burning desert!

And then, we'll no longer suffer under his Plan, but be free under MINE!

I will reclaim my rightful place in Paradise. My path will be paved with the sins of the sons of Adam,

And your's Mankind,

Your's shall be the bedrock of my return,

And all that is good shall be gone from the universe forever!

And that will remain,

Will the darkness and the incineration of my glory and my magnificence


I am so sick of you...
♠ ♠ ♠
This particular piece has been sitting on my mind for 2 years, like a growing cancer, to the point that sometimes I literally would speak the verses in public. Creepy, isn't it.