Black Crimson

We'll hold hands and kiss our scars,
till we've forgotten of all the sad goodbyes.
Together, skipping through back-ways and allies,
we'll make love like we used to.

Through the windows of old abandoned houses,
we will stalk our next prey in order to keep on living.
No one will ever boss us around again,
no more we have to pretend.

We survive only when we kill,
we hunt yet we still feel.
The more all these victims we kill,
the more alive they make us feel.

Silently, we walk with our blades,
blood has colorful shades.
We're sliting their throats as we laugh,
knowing they were not tough.

Watching the blood splatter until no one is alive,
inside the dark wide sea we want to dive.
No cop take us alive,
to no one will abide.

We belong to dark places,
where no one can see our dirty faces.
We call ourselves the silent killers,
all the rest of you are just fillers.
♠ ♠ ♠
We are on the run,
we have to kill to survive,
it's not just for fun.


I really wonder what some killers think about.