More of a Story, Sorry

she didn't know who she was. once so sweet and innocent. now she's a monster. when boys were icky, life was easy. the internet, a vicious thing. the addiction to chatrooms, unbearable. a/s/l? three questions that seemed so easy to answer. the men were interested in one thing and one thing only. some of her best friends, she'd never even met. and would probably never meet. one day she decided to take even more of a risk. sitting outside awaiting a total stranger. twice her age none the less. this happened once or twice. she knew it was wrong and couldn't handle it. she grabbed the bottle. next thing she knew, she woke up in the hospital. not the kind of hospital she could deal with. she screamed and screamed. for anyone that could hear her. the doctor demanded she calm down. she saw that as an impossible task. she screamed until she could no more. she frantically searched for the tie on her gown. she wrapped it around her neck. she pulled and she pulled.

she met a boy. not a man, just a boy. she thought she was in love. she had a feeling. a bad, bad feeling. she asked him one hundred times. he assured her not. but she knew he was lying. she had yet another feeling. a bad, bad feeling. so she peed on a stick. she was scared and ashamed of the result. not much longer. she ended it with that boy. why did he have to fuck her best friend? not long after the "problem" was no more, did she meet another boy.

this one was different. whatever it was they had, it felt real. the pills took over their lives. they were tricked into love. one night they faught. not the same as before. things were okay for a bit. but then it happened again. this time it was worse. he injured himself with every intention to blame her. although he was charged. they snuck around for a bit. until she found out it was all a lie. she attacked him and god knows she would never live it down. later down the road.

she met another guy. when she first laid eyes on him, she knew he would impact her life forever. they started dating almost immediately. after a month, her bail was lifted, allowing her to legally move in with him. things were great. she felt like a queen. she confessed her addictions. he didn't mind. he even supported them. before she could say no, he was pimping her out. he'd take pictures and sell them. not only that, he hooked her best friend up with work as well. they were flying high and doing fine. each morning the withdrawls nearly killed her. but they were having fun, and madly in love. next thing they knew. they were out on their asses, forced to stay with her parents. only five months together and they were now expecting a baby. the smile on his face when he handed her the positive test, was a moment she would never forget.

nearly three years later. she raises that baby alone.
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Sorry it got so long. Was writing and started to babble