Stuck in the Freefall

Here I am once again
In a house full of life yet still finding myself broken and empty
No where else to go
I have no where to be
I hope and pray one day Ill be set free
For Im just here singing sad lullabys and a lovesick melody
Forever stuck in a never ending freefall
Forever falling
Living in silence seeing Ive hit rock bottom
I cant find a way out
I lye here awaiting a painful agonizing death
One full of sin
One full of sorrow
Full of gore and blood
The lies I had told only left unshattered to save those I had cared for
The broken promises flowing away as the next mornings sun rises
Forgotten about and left behind
The bloodshed I had caused a memory
Just another sad story to tell
Notes I had left and my secrets locked away
Hidden underground
Hopefully never to be found
All I had longed for
All I had wished was just for one person
One person to know exactly what position I had been in
Feeling trapped
Letting my front down only to those who I had believed to have cared
Yet appearing emotionless and cold to the world
For the world is the enemy
But yet as much hate as we have for it we need it in the end
So with no where left to run
Cornered in my own mind and thoughts
Taken captive by the lies of others
I have succumbed to the freefall
Now forever a victim of sin and awaiting death
For the world is the enemy
But theres no way to win