Pretty Little Lies

Pretty little lies
She whispers in their ear
All so she can keep them here
Guess what letter that She loves best
"A" they asked and she smirks
Her plan was now in the works
Four little darlings in her web
She traps the fish "I like you best"
She then smiles, "Don't tell the rest"
But is she jealous of the intelligent?
"You better put that down" she begs
Surprised the brain can stand on her legs
Her mom did time for Wilden's crime
"A cop and a bald boy, don't stoop so low"
"Remember food can be your foe"
We have a lot in common, more than you imagine
"A" in our name
And board shorts is our game
One Little Liar
Secrets to be told
She runs the gAme
It never gets old

♠ ♠ ♠
Obviously about pretty little liars and comments always appreaciated