All is bright

Today is a bright day
All is beautiful as always
All is bright always bright
It makes me wanna puke
I hate it that way
Don't all is bright
Don't all is shinny
Don't all glow
Don't all is gold to touch

Bright, bright, bright
( I wanna throw up)

Bright!!!, Oh! it's so bright!!!
That's the thing everyone want
Frost the world and make it sparkle
so you could get blind
and cannot see what's really there
All of them ares despicable
and you can't really see it,
You're blind from all the bright

Bright, bright, bright

All is bright, all is bright!
All is freaking' bright!!!

And that bright we so much love
is leading us to the destruction
We're going straight to the chaos
and we're not even seeing it
all because that bright
That damn bright!!
The bright that got us blind