
* she sits alone and cries in her room

* she swears one day she'll send them all to their doom

* she has people in her mind that give her answers when she needs them

* she has desires and she needs to feed them

* she dies inside more and more each day

* and yet she still refuses to pray

* she wonders if there is a god and if there is why is he so devious

* if there is why is it he's never there when she needs him

* she cries inside every minute of every day

* but the smile she fakes never gives it away

*she harms herself just to see who cares

* she realizes no one will ever be there

*she cries herself to sleep at night

* she wants to take a knife and just end her life

*she knows everyone thinks she has the perfect life

* they think she'd make a perfect wife

* she wonders what would happen if they knew the truth

* if they knew the things she wanted to do

* they'd probably put her in an institute

* so she sits in silence wishing and hoping her dreams will come true

* but in her dreams she wasn't known to any of you