
She haunted the room like some phantom. Turning the happiness into frustration at her silence. The shadows under her eyes grew and grew, until make up was not needed; she already looked dead. Her eyes themselves, once so full of joy and beauty, now lifeless and filled with unspilled tears.

When she looked at you (if you ever got that honor), the only thing you could think was,"What made her so hollow? What made her soul flea from it's body?". Whenever she was forced to leave home to the hell that her parents called school, she never spoke to or looked at anyone. Eyes to the ground. Teeth clenched in pain at her peers' ignorance. Can't they tell that she's suffering? Or is that what they want?

Than one day, this sad sad girl looked me straight in the eye. After a few moments of silent staring, she told me her story. When she was done, she sat in front of me with tears in her sad eyes. They wouldn't fall. Oh no, she wouldn't let them fall from her green eyes; revealing how much this was actually killing her. Weakness, that's what she thought of crying. She had enough of that brand of weakness for one lifetime.

The girl disappeared as I smashed the mirror in front of me. I was the only one in the room. The sad girl was simply my relfection.