From the Dirt

A barren plain of solitude
Is what we will inherit
We live in times of hardship
But we must grin and bear it
Because the world cannot go on
If we stay timid and meek
We must stand up for this, our world
For no longer can it speak
Unless we learn from years that passed
We will make the same mistakes
We can rebuild from just one seed
For that is all it takes
From the dirt under our feet
We may start anew
Reteach ourselves the way things were
When hope and green things grew
So brick by brick and hand in hand
We can make this a living land
We will give rise to a new age
And set ourselves free from our cage
To give this world a chance to live
The chance we shouldn't have to give
Our past has passed; all we have is now
To act with love; like they never knew how
And we say this in truth
There must be a rebirth
We now are the mothers of Mother Earth