Dear Grandfather;

You say you have my best interest at heart,
but do you hear the words you say?
You break me down, crush my heart.
And don't even feel the guilt.

You tell me its time to grow up,
but you're the one acting childish.
You tell me to apologize,
when all I did was stand up for myself.

You say that you're family,
but family is suppose to accept each other.
You never agreed with a single thing I did.
Never once allowed me to be myself.

"Go to College, get a career."
I'm just out of high school,
trying to find myself.

You bullied my brother,
called my sister a low-life.
"Do we make you uncomfortable?"
More than anyone ever has.

You say you're not judgmental,
but that's a flat out lie.
You judge everything I do,
every word I say.

Ever since she died,
it seems you did too.
You're not the same person you use to be.
Not the person I looked up to.

I can't apologize when I did nothing wrong.
I'm sorry, but I'm not that strong.
I don't like being around you,
or speaking words to you.

You never listened anyway,
so why should I even try?
"You should do this,
You should do that."

Tell me one thing,
did you do everything you're telling me to,
when you were my age?
Or did you do the same as me
and try to find your own way?

Don't tell me what I should do,
don't tell me what I can't.
You don't know me like you think you do.
You never gave yourself the chance.

I'm not the same girl I was,
back before she died.
She took a piece of me with her.
A piece you'll never see again.

How can I feel accepted by you,
when you put down every thought I have?
I don't want what you do,
I just want to be happy.

I don't need money, or cars.
I just need to live my life.
I don't need a fancy job,
I just need my real family.

A family that you'll never be..