
I tried to remember your face when I realized that your scent no longer captured my black fade out jacket.
Because I wanted to see how much of you I had lost if your scent had already gone.
I took a single ragged breath praying that if I had forgotten, some god would kill me and I closed my eyes drawing your face from the depths of my brain. First I drew your jawline knowing I could never forget it's strength, afterwards I remembered your sloping cheekbones where my lips once fit.
I crossed to find your pointed nose guiding perfect symmetry to your face and I followed it down to the tip of your lips remembering their full shape.
I found the line of your dark chocolate hair and remembered your ears poking out and I tried to focus on those because I knew that the next part would hurt.
But my mind betrayed me and it looked, it looked right at your eyes and they were so strikingly real that my own flew open as I suppressed a scream.
Then I thought to myself, yes I can still remember him, I will never lose that.