The Degrees of My Heartbreak

You stand there with a smile on your face.
Talking to another girl while I stand by.
I know that you don't have a girlfriend but I still feel upset.
Yet, I can't tell you that I like you.

We pass in the hallways.
I smile at you, and you smile back.
We make conversation, but that's not what matters.
What matters is that my heart is broken, broken because I could never tell you that I like you.

I've told all my friends, but they aren't allowed to tell you.
It's been a week since I last saw you.
Since I last spoke to you.
My heart aches when I finally see you again.

How can I tell you, when I know that there's no possible way that you like me.
Yet again, we have a little chat.
Something involving doctor who or something else silly that we have in common.
I ask you how you are, and you reply with pretty good.

Then we go our separate ways to our next classes after I tell you to have a good rest of your day.
You say something along the lines of, you too, and walk to your class.
I smile, because I was able to talk to you, but then it hits me.
This will always be the degrees of which my heart breaks.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is really weird...