Perfect Reality

Your heart falters.
You wither at his touch.
You try to distance yourself,
To pull away.
You love this man too much.

But his kiss: it leaves you breathless
Its how it should be
Your mind: its racing, endless
Half begging to stay,
The other screaming to flee.

You ignore your fears,
And let yourself love.
You let him in,
Give him your heart,
And pray it will be enough.

But your fears remain to taunt you,
They wholly control your mind,
But you whisk them away,
And revel in his perfection,
Something truly hard to find.

So you hold his hand,
And look into his eyes
To see the love he has for you
As beautiful as the sun's rise.

Cherish your moments spent together,
Seize this perfect day
Because tomorrow your perfect reality
Just may be taken away.

You may come to realize
That it has all been a guise,
And this perfect reality you live in
May be shattered
By the truth beneath the lies.
♠ ♠ ♠
Submitted to April's Poem Prompt Challenge PP03 Prompt: Seize the Day.