The Bothers We Give

It doesn't become a bother
Until you miss them
It doesn't become a bother
Until you look for them
It doesn't become a bother
Until you can't find them
It doesn't become a bother
Until you realize you can't feel them
It doesn't become a bother
Until the frustration sets in

It only becomes a bother
When you can't feel them
You can't see them
You can't hear them
You look up
Only to see nothing
But sky or ceiling

It only becomes a bother
When you want to speak to them
And there's no answer
When you know there's no more
They're not there
They're gone

It only becomes a bother
When you feel alone
And the people who walk your plane
Are not the people you want to talk to
Your plane of existence
Isn't the plane where they exist
The pets you lost
The people you missed

It only becomes a bother
When you don't know if they're listening

It only becomes a bother
When you know they exist
But there's no proof

And it would have never been a bother
If you had had the chance to say goodbye
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading!