Opposites Attract

Opposites Attract

The sun bakes my skin as I try to let go;
2 Roads that lead me astray, but I don't know.
I feel asleep, but I'm wide awake;
I try to be real, but it all seems so fake.
Making no sense & yet I understand it all;
Trying to rise up & stand, but I only fall.
I sense that you're here, but I feel so alone;
It's only beginning & I want it to be done.
I want to stay, but I want to leave;
I want to be happy, but everything to me is a peeve.
Night & day divided by hours & minutes as I stare on;
We need to stay together, but maybe I want to be alone.
I feel the gap grow bigger, but I long to be close.
My mood appears to be happy & content, but inside I'm truly depressed & morose.
Say it's all fine & yet I scream inside for salvation;
Sometimes I feel as if I'm in a constant state of condemnation.
Waiting for everything to come together, but it only falls apart;
I want it to end, but this is only the start.