Somebody Help me

Every avenue I have destroyed
Waiting around
Growing more paranoid
Life was so full
Now it no longer is
Being pushed, when searching for a pull

I have been pushed in
A hole that I've dug
Filled with pain, misery and sin
Waiting for help
Only to be ignored
Hating myself

Every night I've climbed out
Only to be pushed back in
I used to be so tall and stout
Now I am growing thin
How did this happen
Please teach me to live in my own skin

I beg whoever is there
No one answers
No one to care
I need help
Is there anyone there
Help me help my self
♠ ♠ ♠
I am stuck in a hole in the middle of a rainforest, every day I try to climb out, every day I'm pushed back in. All while the rain is pouring and each time I fall back into the hole I am closer to drowning.