Circa, 1312 AD

Dark is the night, riddled with filth trodden streets
The air fouled by the stench of rot and disgust,
Chamber pots flung into the darkness sifted the winds,
Urine sprayed upon every facet and crevice of the streets,
Feces and excrement dried upon the outer walls of the alleyways,

Fear is gripped with a hook and chain, and covered in dirt,
Blood and wine and water, are mingled in the barrels by the docks,
Ships infested with putrid rats and lice and fleas, bob in the harbor,

The night is fresh, the night is young
Chimney smoke smogs the oxygen from one's lungs
The smells of meat, fish, and the dead are pungent to the nostrils
As sweaty, oily bodies fill the streets with their clamoring and banging
And the dark night goes on and on

And in the inn's, rabbits, sausages, pork, and liver, are roasted over a sooty fire,
And unwashed mugs of stale and rotten ale are drunk with earnest,
Rum and barley whiskey and brandied scotch, left in the sun for days
Are pissed on the floor and licked by the tongues of mangy dogs,

The year is 1312, the city is London,
The inns are crowded, and the people more so
And then a man infested with a flesh eating disease walks inside
And Death stalks the lateness of the hour
♠ ♠ ♠
I based this piece off of films describing the filth-trodden lives people during a time where technology had yet to exist and barbarism was common.