The ***er

My breath is skipping, my hands are shaking
my head is pounding replying the words he casted tonight,
My eyes are drowning, my heart is broken
My body's shivering seeing him packing his bags,

Moving back and forth, tormenting my heart,
Taunting my mind as if he don't give a damn,
He's taking his sweet time, taking all we have,
Leaving me on the side as he was preparing for goodbye,

honey what did I do wrong? I tried to ask,
But my voice was long gone when he casted we're done
Please tell me let's fix this but my mouth was shut tight,
staring at his body in motion, my mind wonders from love to grudge,

I pathetically tried to move, feeling my body move blankly,
Walking to the kitchen thinking nothing, feeling empty,
Staring at the collection of knives I never knew we have,
Replying in my head those words he casted, we are done.

An erratic sound escaped my lips realizing that I am laughing,
Pain scourging my system, filling my mind with inhumane things,
I never knew that one day would come,
Never thought that letting you go would be this hard,

I creep slowly to where he rest, him still casting words that slices my heart,
I raised the knife cutting that pretty face I once love to look at,
Feeling happy on the result his pleas fall on deaf ears as I strike again,
Never thought that cutting his body limb by limb would be this fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
The rhyme of grudge are never this sweet