The Green

At the start of it he was sure he was just dirt
But then there was a weird noise
Something like a “plunk”

Then there was green
Spewing up from the dirt that was him
There was green

That green keep growing
Like the branches he saw spewing from the trees
He got them too
Just green

Then came the weird part
Yeah, something not so green
It didn’t come with a noise
No, it came with color

Sitting on top of his green was something
It sat atop his green like a crown

He waited for the green to keep going
Up and up
But it stopped
After those colors came
His green stopped

He thought it weird
Didn’t think something as plain as colors would stop the journey of his green
How weird

He thought it would keep going
Higher and higher
But how weird
Yeah, how weird
That color would stop the journey of his green
♠ ♠ ♠
April's Poem Prompt Challenge