Another Year (This One's a Little Late)

Stoke the fires of exodus
there exists a warrior in all of us
some find it fallible I don't believe
but I simply have never felt the need
I don't need to know the why
if that I can will grant me time
I don't need the entire world
I just need a home
I don't need all the answers
I simply don't want to be alone

I may never master anything
but it never hurts to try
you may not hit the bulls-eye
the first time that you nock and line
and though you may have it in your sights
you may find your shot is to the right
but mimic as the linguists do
wonder what they say
and decipher old and scriptures new
if you wonder what they mean
eventually your shot you see
before it lands with symmetry

stand your ground through tragedy
and hold fast to your own beliefs
a reason why isn't what you need
but the push to try
the want to see
by these rules I live my life
and I have yet to challenge me
because I perhaps have mastered nothing
but I have experienced a little bit
of the compass known as everything