Dark Passenger

When he first came through that door,
He darkened that door.
That door was to see light,

His face contained an expression so abstract,
He stood in the way
Of light ever again crossing it's path.

His expression was indifferent,
He did not care.
He had no regards for what was beyond that door,
And the torment he was to cause there.

And now that door is sealed,
Locked for the rest of time,
And there is a girl trapped inside
With the dark passenger
That has entered her mind.

Those voices,
Those whispers,
In the back of her mind.
Her passenger has found the secrets
She wishes no one to find.

Those voices,
Those whispers,
Those things of her past.
No much longer
Will her sanity last.

She pleads and implores
This demon to rest,
But she finds no clemency
In her unwelcome guest.
♠ ♠ ♠
Submitted in April Poem Prompt Challenge. PP15. Prompt: Demons.