A Series of Unforeseen Events a.k.a Life

Unforeseen was that moment I was ripped out of my first home within the safe womb of my mother and pretty much every moment after that
I mean what is truly foreseen by us, I mean I barely know what I am going to wear tomorrow let alone what it holds
So why does everyone try so hard to predict my future?
‘I know you will get married, I can feel it.’
‘Trust me, you will be a mother, it’s in your nature.’
‘Little girl, you will change the world.’
Excuse me, but I am just fine with changing my hair and the channel on my cable box
And how can you be so sure that I will be married, has someone called you to let you know that in a few years he will be around
And kids? Yeah it’s in my nature I got the organs but that doesn't mean I have the desire
I don’t I get an opinion or maybe even a say
I am happy, right now with no pressures on me about what tomorrow holds
So let it be, because in the end, to us everything is unforeseen