
It’s not like they were in love
Because love isn’t a word he knows how to pronounce, let alone use
But maybe she was comfort
– and a safe place to wait out the storm

Though he thinks that maybe she deserves better
And that’s why he left her
Though those days are hazy and maybe it was her who left him

He doesn’t know how many days or weeks or months it been since they…?
He’s not sure what they did because he’s not sure what they were
Friends with benefits? Lovers? Girlfriend and boyfriend?

He doesn’t get it because he was sure at one time he knew
But things with her were never clear
He was always seeing through a foggy glass those days
And great things seemed better
And bad things seemed worse

He’s not sure if that’s normal in a relationship(?)
Though he doesn’t care
Because even though everything was fragmented and never clear
Always a puzzle he had to figure out
He’s sure that even if he can’t really remember
That time just can’t disappear

His broken heart and fractured mind prove that
♠ ♠ ♠
April's Poem Prompt Challenge - April 20: fragment