A Separation of Words

I was 13, and it was around 10pm
when you told me about your problem.
You said you had "tried substances"
instead of saying you did drugs
because that sounds more mature,
and you are now 21.

I was 14, and it was my first year of high school
when I heard that you were
dropping out of college.
Film majors can only do so much,
and will always disappoint the family,
but you are an "artist."

I was 15, and it was too hot for April weather
when your mom moved out of the house
and took her maid with her.
She called it a "separation"
because the picture perfect family
does not get a "divorce."

I am 16, and it is the end of the school year
when "anxiety attacks" are not uncommon.
I want to be a film major like you were
and I want to have the "motivation" you had,
but I don't want to commit suicide
at 24.
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is for Mibba Magazine's Poetry Month contest.