The World

Dark and twisted I once was but
Now the shadow is all but gone
Give him a knife and he shall dance
Give him charm and shall prance
Prance to the sound of those long gone
Screams, Screams so sickly that they make
Cancer patients queasy, So uneasy are those
Who walk in the shadow, This shadow is
Dead, this shadow is the only thing keeping
Us all alive, But we all beg the question of
If this life is truly worth living, makes one think
How worthy are we to be living?
A sad sentiment instilled into all new born
Babies minds, These minds are the one thing left
For people to hope for we play at being brave
But the reality of the situation is that fear hides
In all of us, It's like this nasty little goblin poking
Holes in our confidence, Born from this fear is hatred
And strife. It turns us against one another with by
Warping our minds with things like Racisim and
Indifference to travesties of the modern day
We dumb down darkness that lurks within
This world because we believe it to be better
Off being blind.